Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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Whyyy aaaaare nooisessssssss difffffffferenttt oooooooon Maaaaaaaaaaaars? Wait—did you hear something? Surprisingly, it’s probably the sound of someone talking. You may be thinking, “Why do sounds on Mars sound so weird?” The thing is, they don’t sound weird—they sound unfamiliar. Sounds may seem very small on Mars compared to Earth. Well, luckily, that is the topic I will be discussing with you today.

What’s That Sound?

When you talk on Earth, it sounds normal to you, I guess. If you had been living on Mars for a lifetime, your speech would also sound “normal.” Well, Mars and Earth are very different. Talking on Mars is like talking 200 feet away on Earth, even if the communicator is right beside you. Some of these discoveries were made thanks to the help of Perseverance, a rover that has been on Mars for more than a year! When Perseverance used a laser and zapped a nearby rock, it created a sound wave similar to thunder, but much less noisy. The article states, “If a song were playing from a speaker on Mars, higher sounds would reach a listener before the lower sounds. ‘Let’s say you somehow had a city on Mars, with birds,’ says Baptiste Chide, a planetary scientist. ‘Birds are too high in frequency. You wouldn’t hear them. You would only hear the sounds of the city.’ The high carbon-dioxide content of the Martian air is to blame, Chide says.”

Scientists are still studying this interesting topic, and hopefully, we will soon be able to figure out if there are any aliens in space.

