Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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Lil Nas X called out BET in many different ways after the BET awards ceremony on Sunday Night. He was not in attendance because he is incensed with the network BET has created. In his recent song Late to Da Party he calls out BET by dropping the F bomb on them throughout the song. He made the song with NBA Youngboy clearly wanting to let BET know about his frustration and disapproval. He also sent a few direct tweets at BET like “thank you bet awards. an outstanding zero nominations again. black excellence!” He also sent “I just feel like black gay ppl have to fight to be seen in this world and even when we make it to the top mfs try to pretend we are invisible.” This also shows that racism is still a problem and that even on a large-scale stage like the BET awards. there can be discrimination.

Some might argue that Lil Nas X doesn’t deserve to get an award because he hasn’t earned it, and because he doesn’t produce a lot of good songs. I don’t think that is the case because he is a very popular artist and also a masterful social media provocateur according to NRG news. He certainly has made hit songs over the past few years especially like “old town road”.

All in all, you can see that in everything that is happening through arts, sports, music, there is still of a lot of discrimination.

