Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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Humans have always loved sports, and therefore we invented an extremely stressful version of it: competitive sports. There’s competitive swimming, basketball, baseball, football, hockey … and seriously, even math. But that wasn’t enough. Humans decided that it was absolutely necessary that we share that stress with our dogs. Thus, the Westminster Dog Show was born.

The Westminster Dog Show is a show where dogs compete to win the title of “Best at Complicated Running.” Last Wednesday, 4 ½ -year-old Trumpet became the first bloodhound to win Best in Show.

Reuters reports that Trumpet outshone “more than 3,000 dogs from 200 breeds and varieties to claim the most prestigious such prize in the United States.”

CBS News says, “Westminster is often described as the Super Bowl of U.S. dog shows,” and added that “the goal is to crown the dog that most represents the ideal for its breed.”

“I was shocked,” said Heather Buehner, Trumpet’s handler. “There were seven beautiful dogs in that ring. You know, I feel like sometimes a bloodhound might be a little bit of an underdog. So I was absolutely thrilled.”

The New York Times describes Trumpet this way: “He looked every inch the champion, his lugubrious face and quizzical air for some reason adding to, rather than detracting from, his dignity … Trumpet exudes the quiet confidence of a born champion. No excessive celebration. Just get the hardware and move onto the next.”

According to the Washington Examiner, Trumpet brought home “a pewter trophy, a Westminster Legend trophy with a hand-engraved Steuben crystal bowl, a James Mortimer Memorial sterling silver trophy, an 8-by-10-inch pewter picture frame, and a leash.”

Beuhner plans to keep entering Trumpet into more dog shows in the future.







