Tyler Dudek


Articles by Tyler Dudek

TerrificRefreshing airEntertaining to growEven can be made into paper, Hahahah!
I used to be moneyI am rare nowadays2 ounces of me, Iam 2000 dollarsWhat am I?
Splendid sport,Wow, he is fast!Interesting to watch, and do,My brother is faster than me in 2 strokes,My mom swims but...
Nice color,A darker blue,Veterans Day is a hint,You can look at the side for the answer
Perfect,Incredible taste,Zucchini,Ziti,Awesome food for a birthday party
Please, can I have them, Dad?Ant’s lifetime supply of food,Nice food to eat for dinner,Creamy,Actually, fluffy is better,Keep eating them,“Egg”cellent