14 January 2025 Glen Yuan Christmas tree burning sparks Christian protests "Christmas tree burning sparks Christian protests” The protests in Syria over Christmas tree burning were mainly caused by the burning...
25 February 2025 Sarah Hart Does AI Have a Place in Schools? In March 2025, South Korea is set to introduce textbooks powered by AI. This upgrade in public school systems will cost up to $276 million dollars. South Korea believes in becoming the world leaders in electronic education and AI learning. So, what does this mean for everyday school students in Australia? Will your next teacher be a robot?
14 January 2025 Ethan Chau English Football Changes as the Sport Experiences its First Blank Saturday in Two Years English Football Changes as the Sport Experiences its First Blank Saturday in Two Years New Year’s Day is upon us,...
24 January 2025 Audrey Xie Interior Chinatown: Mind-Blowing, Suspenseful TV Show That Pulls You to the Edge of Your Seat
13 March 2025 Letterly Why School Uniforms Are a Step in the Right Direction The debate over school uniforms is nothing new. For decades,...
19 February 2025 Darius Carnahan A Memoir: Finding the Endangered in My Backyard We Australians might be accustomed to sulphur-crested cockatoos squawking in our backyards, but have you heard of gang-gang cockatoos? Gang-gangs are an endangered type of cockatoo that predominately lives in parts of the eastern coast of Australia, and there are at least two living near a storm-water drain in the inner south of the ACT!
Reforms to Kumari Tradition is Vital for Girls After Retirement 1 August 2022 Nina Gupta Reforms to Kumari Tradition is Vital for Girls After Retirement The institution of the Kumari is part of Nepali tradition that was formed seven centuries ago. It centers around Taleju,...
Australian Sky Turns Pink Due to a Marijuana Facility’s Blunder 28 July 2022 Nina Gupta Science & Technology Australian Sky Turns Pink Due to a Marijuana Facility’s Blunder On Wednesday evening in Mildura, a city in northwestern Victoria, Australia, the sky was glowing pink. Residents initially theorized that...
Rome has Begun a Cull to Control Wild Boar Populations 24 July 2022 Nina Gupta Science & Technology Rome has Begun a Cull to Control Wild Boar Populations In the past few months, authorities in Rome have begun a cull to try and contain the wild boars that...
Mud Could Become the New Sustainable Building Material 19 July 2022 Nina Gupta Mud Could Become the New Sustainable Building Material Sana’a is a city made entirely out of mud with structures built entirely out of the material and decorated with...
Elon Musk Walks Away from $44 Billion Twitter Deal 15 July 2022 Nina Gupta Current Events Elon Musk Walks Away from $44 Billion Twitter Deal On Friday, Elon Musk abandoned his deal to buy Twitter, stating that the company didn’t provide enough information on the...
Why California Turns Golden in the Summer 13 July 2022 Nina Gupta Creative Writing Why California Turns Golden in the Summer The California Gold Rush lasted from 1848 to 1855. During this time, there was an extremely selfish gold miner named...