Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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Walking soccer has become a booming sensation in the United States. In 2011, Chesterfield FC Community Trust released its walking soccer program in Derbyshire, England. Players in walking soccer cannot run or jog and must have one foot in contact with the ground at all times. This was to allow an incentive to older adults. Players in walking soccer cannot run or jog and must have one foot be in contact with the ground at all times. The soccer field is also smaller with at 55 to 65 yards long and 35 to 45 yards wide. Each team also has 6 people instead of 11.

The popularity of walking soccer is increasing with around 600 clubs in England alone. England is the home to the Federation of International Walking Soccer Associations, which includes Italy, Nigeria, Australia, South Korea, and India. Popularity spikes could be explained due to a 2015 television advertisement with walking soccer included. Clubs have also appeared in Seattle, Chicago, and Southern California. Popularity spikes could be explained due to a 2015 television advertisement with walking soccer included.

The physical benefits of walking soccer are the sport’s allure to walking soccer. Personal stories from people like Gary Clark show that they have lost weight, and their body fat has gone down. ““I have lost weight playing, so I think that’s a good sign,” said Clark, who has played with the Tri-City Walking Soccer Club for about a year.” A 2015 study showed that in 12 weeks of playing walking soccer, with a 2 hour2-hour training session every week, there has been a have found significantly reduced body mass and fat in 10 older men.

The mental health effects of walking soccer are an extra added benefit to the

sport. In a 2022 study, it was shown that seven men with mental conditions like depression and anxiety have reported several positive effects on their mental state. They found new friendships, socialized, and had a new sense of purpose in life. The studies have proven that walking soccer can lead to better psychological statuses for older men. “In a 2019 review, Kim and her colleagues found that sports participation may enhance life satisfaction, social life and personal psychological status for older adults.” The research shows that walking soccer can lead to a higher level of self-efficacy and stronger feelings of self-empowerment. “In a 2019 review, Kim and her colleagues found that sports participation may enhance life satisfaction, social life and personal psychological status for older adults.”

Walking soccer can bring communities together as these events can lead to high player counts. Many of these clubs can help bring together older men who have lost their partners and can bring similar people together. Members can work and enjoy life with each other to stave off loneliness and volunteer to make their community better. It would seem that walking soccer is an amazing way to stay fit, have a strong mentality, and bring communities together.

