Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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Once upon a time, in a magical forest, lived a wizard named Imawi Zard. He was a teacher at the “Swamp of Light”.

But one day, when he went to the Swamp of Light, something happened… He stepped into the door, and all of a sudden, he walked right through a portal! He looked around and found himself in a damp and mossy forest. But then out of nowhere, a panther appeared in front of him! Imawi quickly grabbed his wand and zapped the panther to a rabbit. Suddenly, he heard a strange and familiar sound: “hello Imawi” Imawi turned around to find that it was his students!

Imawi was glad to see his students but at the same time confused. Why were their eyes glowing in red and purple? And why did they all have sharp and cold voices? Before he could ask, all the students pulled out a wand and zapped the wizard! Imawi quickly had to counter it, and he quickly realized they had used a death spell! Now Imawi was sure that they were either decoys or a black spell had been put them.

Imawi didn’t want to damage them in case they were being controlled by a black spell. So he tried to reverse the spell but it didn’t work! They were DECOYS! So, the wizard summoned an army of minions to zap them all into a prison and then removed their ability to move so they can’t zap their way out and asked them some questions.

“Who are you people and where are my students?” asked Imawi.

“We have ordered and can’t tell you about ourselves.” answered the decoys.

“You will,” Imawi told them. as he zapped them with a truth-telling spell.

“Now tell me, Who are you people and where are my students?” demanded Imawi.

This time the decoy responded, “We are from the land of Dwalkie and your students are at Dwalkie as well.” So, Imawi left the room, leaving the decoys there for the minions to take care of.

After a while of searching, the wizard finally found the land of Dwalkie, put on an invisibility jacket, and soon found a tall tower made of cracked stone bricks with bars. He thought this was where his students were, so he climbed up and found them!!

“Mr. Zard? Is that you?” asked a student tiredly, “Yes, it’s me now let’s get you out of here” Said Imawi as he zapped an escape. But all that zapping made a loud noise, and guards began climbing up to see what was going on! “They escaped!” Shouted one of the guards as he hit a bell to alarm the rest of the guards. They were just about to get to the exit when 57 guards surrounded them! So Imawi summoned another army of stronger minions to attack the guards. Even though they were still outnumbered the minions caused a big distraction. This allowed Imawi to go to the exit his students followed him. They went back through the portal never to return again.

