War Thunder, a free-to-play vehicular combat game made by Gaijin in 2012, has been facing a lot of hate from the community, new and veteran alike, and I don’t blame them. About a month or so ago, Gaijin announced that there would be an economic update, where certain vehicles would be more expensive to repair and overall a lot of changes that negatively affected the player base. Because of this, the community made videos and posts about this flaming Gaijin and pressuring them to not roll out this update, threatening to uninstall the game, which is understandable because of how the economy is already so unbearable for the player base, and now gaijin [Capitalize] is making it worse.
If you didn’t know, in this pvp game, if your vehicle, for instance, a tank or plane is destroyed by the opposing team, it will take in-game currencies to repair, some vehicles costing way too much to afford, for instance, the B-29, which would take over 10 thousand SL (in-game currency) to repair. When Gaijin announced that they would be rolling out the economy update, the War Thunder community was furious, and I mean YouTubers with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, speaking against Gaijins decisions, and many of the player base, both new and 10-year veterans, threatening to stop playing if Gaijin did not improve their system.
Luckily though, Gaijin did eventually listen, and pulled back the update, but this yet did not satisfy the player base. Something that infuriated the player base was that Gaijin was greedy, very greedy, making the game so difficult to play that it would push players to use real money to purchase in-game things, whether it was a premium account of vehicles. Another big problem was the Gaijin would just not listen to the community, and continued to become more and more greedy over the years. Infuriated, the people started organizing a boycott., starting on the 26th, whoever participated would not play or purchase from the game, for a solid two weeks. I myself participated in this boycott. Furthermore, thousands of players would begin to review bomb Gaijin on Steam, giving the game a very bad like-to-dislike ratio, and making the game look bad. And because of these protests, Gaijinmn released a post, saying how they were all sorry and stuff, and how they will try to make the game better for the players, but of course, no one believes them, so the review bombing continued, and the boycott lasted the full 14 days. ASlowercase of now, we are still waiting on that promised quality of life improvement from Gaijin. Will Gaijin improve their game, or let it fall to the fury of its own player base?
If you didn’t know, in this pvp game, if your vehicle, for instance, a tank or plane is destroyed by the opposing team, it will take in-game currencies to repair, some vehicles costing way too much to afford, for instance, the B-29, which would take over 10 thousand SL (in-game currency) to repair. When Gaijin announced that they would be rolling out the economy update, the War Thunder community was furious, and I mean YouTubers with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, speaking against Gaijins decisions, and many of the player base, both new and 10-year veterans, threatening to stop playing if Gaijin did not improve their system.
Luckily though, Gaijin did eventually listen, and pulled back the update, but this yet did not satisfy the player base. Something that infuriated the player base was that Gaijin was greedy, very greedy, making the game so difficult to play that it would push players to use real money to purchase in-game things, whether it was a premium account of vehicles. Another big problem was the Gaijin would just not listen to the community, and continued to become more and more greedy over the years. Infuriated, the people started organizing a boycott., starting on the 26th, whoever participated would not play or purchase from the game, for a solid two weeks. I myself participated in this boycott. Furthermore, thousands of players would begin to review bomb Gaijin on Steam, giving the game a very bad like-to-dislike ratio, and making the game look bad. And because of these protests, Gaijinmn released a post, saying how they were all sorry and stuff, and how they will try to make the game better for the players, but of course, no one believes them, so the review bombing continued, and the boycott lasted the full 14 days. ASlowercase of now, we are still waiting on that promised quality of life improvement from Gaijin. Will Gaijin improve their game, or let it fall to the fury of its own player base?