Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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Let me make this introduction short. Welcome back to the stories of the Star Kingdom! This chapter might not sound like previous ones, but I am writing this for all the Disney fans out there. Also, MAJOR SPOILER ALERTS!!!

“Today is so boring!” Astra grumbled as she flopped onto her couch.

“Astra, the day we return from the Star Kingdom, you just sit on the couch all day watching your shows,” Astra’s mom sighed.

“I don’t care, Mom, I don’t want to go outside and play kickball with the little kids.”

“Astra, this is so bad for your eyes. Please at least do something productive,” Astra’s mom pleaded.

“Yeah, yeah whatever. I’m going to my room,” Astra grunted as she got up.

Astra ran to her room and pulled out her remote. She also grabbed her phone. She dialed Davina’s number and waited.

“Hey cuz! What are you doing right now?” Davina asked.

“I’m watching Disney,” Astra replied.

“Oh, I love Disney shows. I’m at my grandparents’ house. Oh, they’re calling me for dinner right now. Got to go!” Davina exclaimed.

Astra threw her phone onto her pillow and continued lounging. After a few more movies, Astra felt her eyes droop. As soon as she felt sleepy, she quickly turned off the television, and laid her head onto her pillow.

“Hello? Miss, you’re going to be late for your Coronation Day!” a voice spoke.

“What? Coronation Day? Wasn’t that in Frozen?” Astra drowsily asked.

“Sorry, it’s summer right now, nothing is frozen. Miss, you must get up!” a servant insisted.

“Okay?” Astra sighed as she got out of bed.

Wait, this wasn’t her room. This seemed like Elsa’s bedroom. Was she in Frozen? Astra walked over to the mirror and gasped. Her hair was snowy white, and she was wearing Elsa’s nightgown from the first movie. Astra quickly got dressed and barged out of “her” bedroom. Luckily, she had watched Frozen many times, so she knew what to do.

“Miss, breakfast is ready. You may make your way down to the throne room once you are done,” a servant explained.

Astra quietly sat down and ate with extra-good table manners. She quickly finished and went to the throne room—which, by the way, took a long time to find. She decided to test out her powers. She saw the orb and scepter Elsa had held at her coronation, so Astra carefully pulled her gloves off and held the two items. A few minutes later, ice started to build up on the orb and scepter.

“Miss, they are waiting for you!” a servant reminded Astra as she pulled out a cloak with a soft cushion underneath, and placed the orb and scepter on top.

“Right. Take me there,” Astra commanded, as she had no idea where the crowning was held.

Astra followed the servant to the coronation hall, which looked like a church sanctuary—probably it was one. After a boring ceremony, Astra was escorted to the after-party. She stepped onto a small stage where the thrones were. Astra cautiously sat down in one of them. After a few minutes of partying, someone sat down in the throne next to Astra’s. It was Davina.

“Davina? What are you doing here?” Astra whispered.

“Davina? Who’s Davina? I’m Anna, your sister!” Davina cheerfully said—but she looked just like Davina, even though she was wearing a gown of Anna’s from the first Frozen movie.

“Oh, OK. Well, I’m going to leave.” Astra replied as she stood up.

“Why? This is your party, and you should be enjoying it. It could last forever!” Anna/Davina protested.

“I just need to go,” Astra said firmly, but Anna/Davina pulled off Astra’s right-hand glove, revealing her ice powers.

Astra stood there wide-eyed as she fought for her glove, but Anna/Davina held on tight.

“Give me back my glove!” Astra yelled.

“No, don’t shut me out again!” Anna/Davina shouted back.

Astra tried to run away, but she tripped and accidentally sent some icicles toward the guests and ceiling. Astra didn’t know how to stop her powers so she ran to the entrance of the palace where a big crowd stood. Astra ran through the crowd and out the door and kept running until she reached a lake. She casually stepped onto the water’s surface and ran like the wind. She kept going until she reached a clearing on the far side of the lake. Suddenly, she felt someone approaching.

“Belle, have you got the flowers?” a voice grunted.

Astra turned around and saw a huge, ferocious-looking beast dressed in an elegant suit of formal evening clothes. Astra screamed and ran into what seemed like a beautiful nearby castle.

“Belle? What is going on?” a different voice asked.

“Belle? Who’s Belle?” Astra asked.

“You are, of course! Dear me, has the Beast brainwashed you?” a walking candlestick asked.

“Lumiere, it’s you! I’m a huge fan!” Astra gasped.

“Belle? Are you out of your mind? Dinner is served!” Lumiere yelled as all the crockery and silverware appeared in their proper places.

“Oh yes, I would be delighted to have a fancy meal,” Astra exclaimed. She was hungry, she realized.

Astra made her way to the dinner table and saw the Beast sitting there waiting for her—or perhaps for Belle, but apparently, she was Belle. As soon as Astra saw the Beast, though, she felt a pang of regret for running away from him earlier.

“I’m sorry, I must be hallucinating, and it was rude to run away like that.” Astra apologized as the beast’s face lit up.

“No worries, Belle, I—” the Beast replied, but he was cut off by someone yelling.

“Excuse me? Who dares trespass? Oh my! It’s that fool Gaston!” Mrs. Potts yelled as everyone panicked.

The Beast ran to Astra and gently picked her up in his huge arms. He ran outside and dropped Astra in the same clearing where she had first met him.

“Stay here, Belle, I’m going to defend the castle!” the Beast shouted as Astra just stood there feeling shocked and disoriented.

“Wait! You can’t go alone!” Astra yelled as she felt a single tear roll down her cheek.

“Yes, I can! They are coming! Hide!” the beast roared as he ran back to the castle.

There weren’t a lot of places to hide, though. There were only a few trees and they weren’t that thick so Astra decided to run deeper into the forest. However, there were armed men chasing her, so Astra quickly decided to jump into a lake she was approaching. Feeling herself plop into the lake, Astra held her breath. Suddenly her body felt weird—especially her legs—and the lake expanded exponentially until Astra couldn’t see the banks any more. Astra swam expertly to the water’s surface and realized she couldn’t walk. She looked down at the place where her legs should be, and gasped, for replacing her legs was a lavender-colored tail with shining scales covering it!

“I am a mermaid!” Astra exclaimed as she pushed herself into the water. Swimming had never been this easy before—her flexible, nimble tail did all the work.

Someone grabbed Astra’s hand and pulled her under the water.

“Arianna, let’s go!” a mermaid said.

“Who? I’m Arianna?” Astra asked.

“Don’t look so puzzled; your father wanted you to return home for supper,” the mermaid reminded Astra.

Astra gasped when she saw who the mermaid was, Arella—and her beautiful tail was lime green with periwinkle blue highlights! Astra decided not to argue as she had the last time, when Davina was not herself. She and Arella swam to an underwater castle where a red-headed mermaid waved to them. Astra realized the redhead was Ariel from The Little Mermaid—but wait, not Ariel, she was Leah—so Astra swam over. But before Astra could say anything, a big, strong hand grabbed onto her arm.

“Arianna, you have saved my daughter from the dangerous channel, so I must humbly thank you,” King Triton announced forcefully.

“Oh, me? Okay, well, no problem … I guess?” Astra replied.

“I will use my staff and return you to your house for supper.” King Triton said as he lifted up his staff.

Just as King Triton was about to teleport Astra to her home—wherever that was—Ursula the sea witch barged in and knocked the staff out of King Triton’s hand. Startled, the king accidentally sent a strong current that knocked Astra unconscious.

When Astra woke up, she saw huge trees surrounding her—so she was back on land, it seemed. Plus, she had legs and feet again. When she looked down she saw that she was wearing white tights and Alice’s shoes from Alice in Wonderland. She stood up and saw that she was wearing Alice’s skirt. She approached a castle just as someone screeched, “OFF WITH HER HEAD!”

“No!” Astra screamed as guards grabbed her arms and dragged her into yet another castle. Didn’t anyone live in normal houses, anymore?

A huge man wearing a black mask and carrying a giant cleaver was about to behead Astra when suddenly, the door burst open. A White Rabbit pounced onto the Queen of Hearts and all the animals from Wonderland fought the guards just as the Mad Hatter ran up to Astra with a loaded tea tray.

“Alice, drink this tea, it will help,” he said, as he poured some tea into a cup.

Astra quickly sipped the tea and felt that she was falling, falling, falling. She suddenly woke up in her own cozy bed in her own familiar bedroom in her own familiar house—not a castle, thank goodness—on Earth. Wow, it was just dream! Her mom was right: she was watching way too much Disney on TV.

