Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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In Inverclyde, Scotland, 17 sets of twins are ready to join the St. Patrick’s and Ardgowan primary schools. For this reason, people have started to call the town Twin-verclyde. The twins will start school on August 18.

Since 2013, an average of 13 pairs of twins have been born in Inverclyde each year. That makes 147 pairs of twins in the past decade. In 2015, 19 pairs of twins started school at the same time. In 2021, 15 sets of twins attended primary schools in Inverclyde, and in 2022, 12 sets of twins were accepted into primary schools.

St. Patrick’s and Ardgowan primary schools are the two schools that have accepted the most pairs of twins.

“We’re lucky to have so many incredible schools here in Inverclyde, with every one renewed or extensively refurbished, including St. Patrick’s, which was rebuilt and opened in 2016, thanks to the council’s unprecedented quarter billion [pound] investment in our schools estate,” said Inverclyde Deputy Provost Graeme Brooks.

Inverclyde isn’t the only city in the U.K. with a high concentration of young twins, though. In 2022, six sets of twins attended the year eight group at St. Mary’s college in Northern Ireland, and in 2017, five sets of twins joined Hillcrest primary school in Bristol, England.

Sources: https://eb18600f7bb2916037f5ee8e636ce199.cdn.bubble.io/f1691954350438x787980951483455700/Seventeen%20sets%20of%20twins%20to%20start%20at%20schools%20in%20Inverclyde%20-%20BBC%20Newsround.pdf


