Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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According to many experts, Galen Rupp is one of the greatest American long-distance runners in the 21st century. However, he is known to hail from a team led by the now disgraced marathon champion, Alberto Salazar.

Galen Rupp is a competitive and dominant runner, winning countless races, especially distance running. Although strong and enduring, he has endured many injuries but hasn’t let them stop him from competing in the biggest races.

Weldon Johnson is one of the best long-distance runners in the U.S. and said that his associations will always be treated with suspicion. “I think we should evaluate his career like everyone else but with more skepticism, since one athlete is tied more closely to Alberto than anyone else, and that is Galen Rupp,” Johnson said last week. “Based on performance, he’s the greatest American male long-distance runner of his generation, since Steve Prefontaine probably.” Despite these precautions, Rupp has never failed a drug test.

In 2001, Salazar created the team called the Nike Oregon Project, which was primarily focused on creating athletes, especially long-distance runners like Rupp and Mo Farah. Rupp and Farah surpassed the Kenyans and Ethiopians, gaining 1-2 places in the 10,000-meter race.

Farah and Rupp competed in other competitions, with Farah winning the gold medal and Rupp finishing 7th. Rupp went on to win competitions like the U.S. Olympic Trials marathons in 2016 and 2020, the marathon at the 2016 Games, and the Chicago Marathon in 2017.

Salazar would later ruin his reputation in 2019 after trafficking testosterone and tampering with the doping control process that would cost him a 4-year ban. Not only this, but he had publicly body-shamed Mary Cain and Amy Yoder Begley when they were running for the Oregon Project.

Fortunately, Salazar’s actions would not taint Rupp’s success as a runner. To add to this, Rupp has never failed a drug test and does not have a future that looks like Salazar’s.

“Rupp is hands-down the greatest American distance runner of all time,” said Amby Burfoot, the 1968 Boston Marathon champion. “He’s awkward, not media friendly, and, yes, has that association with Alberto. But he has been at the top for an unbelievably long time, almost two decades, has never failed a test of any kind that I know of, and almost always performs at his best in the big-time competitions.”

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/16/sports/galen-rupp-salazar-world-championships.html

