Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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The United States considers North Korea a huge threat to the world because it has many nuclear facilities, including nuclear weapons. Although America and its democratic allies attempted to decrease the military force of North Korea by economic blockade, at the same time, Russia and China had kept a partnership with North Korea. China and Russia’s strong beneficial relationship can be seen clearly through their military cooperation and friendly diplomatic relationship.

After the Ukraine invasion, most countries criticized Russia’s terrorism. But North Korea didn’t just stay neutral. According to U.S. intelligence officials, there is evidence – although North Korea denies it –to support that North Korea may have sold missiles and other weapons to Russia at wartime. The U.S. intelligence officials also point out Russia has been buying military supplies from North Korea after they faced a shortage of weapons.

Furthermore, North Korea and its allies are considered the most dangerous enemy of the democratic world because they hold many nuclear weapons. North Korea, China, and Russia are more dangerous because these countries are all led by a single person alone. This means their power is not limited, and they can demand invasion based on their will. According to research done by Democracy Matrix, North Korea is the second least democratic country in the world, while China is fifth place and Russia is 32nd place.

Russia and China’s ally relations traceback to the Korean War in 1950. Russia, which was then the Soviet Union, helped North Korea to invade the pro-American south part. China, on the other hand, directly sent reinforcement to help North Korea in the Korean War.

To protect themself from potential threats, the United States, Japan, and South Korea casually cooperate to ensure the security and stability of the region. They hold military exercises to collaborate better in battle and discuss international issues to form strong defenses against autocratic nations.

But it seems like the threats are continuously increasing recently. After North Korea opened its border to foreigners, the first group that came were the delegations from China and Russia. They attended the 70th anniversary of the “victory” of the Korean War on July 27. North Korea usually shows its newest weapon, like its new missile and drone, to the world on the anniversary parade. From the United States’ perspective, this is an act to show the world the military strength of their country and a warning of their strong power.

