The bright and shining Sun
The Titan Helios, the godly perfection
The sweet-smelling flowers
Breezing through the windy hours.
The mountains rise tall
Looming over the many small
Creatures prowling below.
Oh! To be one of them, incognito.
Animals of all kinds
Including bears, humans, and hinds
Prance about with fury
Nothing short of earthly.
The ocean rages
Baby blue waters filled with promises
Terrible yet majestic
Unforgiving yet angelic.
Most important of all
Is a life being, strong with morale.
Humans, a species of wonder
Taking their places in the world of splendor.
Humans, a species of mystery
Spreading and inventing like a fantasy
Humans, a species of complexity
None can compare, an example of superiority
Humans, a species of emotion
Love, courtship, and compassion
This is why we whisper:
“This is Mother Nature.”
The Titan Helios, the godly perfection
The sweet-smelling flowers
Breezing through the windy hours.
The mountains rise tall
Looming over the many small
Creatures prowling below.
Oh! To be one of them, incognito.
Animals of all kinds
Including bears, humans, and hinds
Prance about with fury
Nothing short of earthly.
The ocean rages
Baby blue waters filled with promises
Terrible yet majestic
Unforgiving yet angelic.
Most important of all
Is a life being, strong with morale.
Humans, a species of wonder
Taking their places in the world of splendor.
Humans, a species of mystery
Spreading and inventing like a fantasy
Humans, a species of complexity
None can compare, an example of superiority
Humans, a species of emotion
Love, courtship, and compassion
This is why we whisper:
“This is Mother Nature.”