Jackie Aina is under fire for naming one of her company’s products, a candle, “Sòro Sókè”. The Nigerian phrase translates to “speak louder” and is used to protest against police brutality in Nigeria.
Jackie Aina, a popular makeup expert, owns the FORVR Mood home goods brand and often gives advice to people and brands throughout the makeup industry. After the naming incident, Aina’s name will be even more commonly seen on social media. Nigerians who have saw the news criticized her of not using her high position to do more to support the Nigerian protest.
The Nigerian protests started after the Nigerian military opened fire at tens of civilians on October 20, 2020,. The event was followed withleaderless protests, aimed first at the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS). SARS has been known for to carry out the arrest of innocent children and adults for owning better phones than they do, having tattoos, and even just carrying a laptop bag.
Later on, the president announced the dissolution of SARS, although that was not enough for the citizens. SARS had already been dissolved 3 times, in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Youth won’t back down now, and will keep protesting until the SARS will be completely removed from the country. After receiving a strong five-point agenda, the government simply sent out thugs to use violence in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the protest. This just fueled the protests even more.
The day after the candle’s release, the “Sòro Sókè” candle had left the online world just as sudden as it had come. The candle no longer appears on FORVR Mood’s website, and it appears as “not available” at the Sephora beauty shop because of the criticizing.
The funny thing here is because Aina is Nigerian-American, she probably supports the Nigerian protests and thought that naming the candle “Sòro Sókè” was expressing Nigeria’s perspective. Yet, America isn’t involved in the protests, so Nigerians criticize her decision.
Many don’t think she is doing enough and believe that her naming of the candle is an empty sentiment made only for public opinion.
The release of the “Sòro Sókè” candle started a fresh wave of criticism against Jackie Aina, a former superstar. She went from being an incredibly famous and necessary person in the beauty world to a highly criticized and unwanted woman over just two days with the almost forbidding candle.
YouTuber Jackie Aina under fire for naming a candle after a Nigerian protest slogan.pdf
The “Soro Soke” generation of Nigerians | The Tech
Jackie Aina, a popular makeup expert, owns the FORVR Mood home goods brand and often gives advice to people and brands throughout the makeup industry. After the naming incident, Aina’s name will be even more commonly seen on social media. Nigerians who have saw the news criticized her of not using her high position to do more to support the Nigerian protest.
The Nigerian protests started after the Nigerian military opened fire at tens of civilians on October 20, 2020,. The event was followed withleaderless protests, aimed first at the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS). SARS has been known for to carry out the arrest of innocent children and adults for owning better phones than they do, having tattoos, and even just carrying a laptop bag.
Later on, the president announced the dissolution of SARS, although that was not enough for the citizens. SARS had already been dissolved 3 times, in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Youth won’t back down now, and will keep protesting until the SARS will be completely removed from the country. After receiving a strong five-point agenda, the government simply sent out thugs to use violence in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the protest. This just fueled the protests even more.
The day after the candle’s release, the “Sòro Sókè” candle had left the online world just as sudden as it had come. The candle no longer appears on FORVR Mood’s website, and it appears as “not available” at the Sephora beauty shop because of the criticizing.
The funny thing here is because Aina is Nigerian-American, she probably supports the Nigerian protests and thought that naming the candle “Sòro Sókè” was expressing Nigeria’s perspective. Yet, America isn’t involved in the protests, so Nigerians criticize her decision.
Many don’t think she is doing enough and believe that her naming of the candle is an empty sentiment made only for public opinion.
The release of the “Sòro Sókè” candle started a fresh wave of criticism against Jackie Aina, a former superstar. She went from being an incredibly famous and necessary person in the beauty world to a highly criticized and unwanted woman over just two days with the almost forbidding candle.
YouTuber Jackie Aina under fire for naming a candle after a Nigerian protest slogan.pdf
The “Soro Soke” generation of Nigerians | The Tech