Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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The potential mix between athleticism and glamour in one of Tom Cruise’s latest movies, Top Gun: Maverick, has brought lots of attention from the public, and through this, he experiences less and less of himself in public. In every film, Cruise always has a new trick up his sleeve, and the audience always loves it.

“In order to do my job,” Ben Stiller, as Tom Cruise’s stunt double, in a video made for 2000 MTV Movie Awards, “I have to ask myself: Who is Tom Cruise?”

So Who is Tom Cruise? He is a star performer, but also an interesting man.

Onscreen, Tom Cruise is one of the most popular movie stars in the world. His capability to do amazing tricks and moves that are almost impossible is shocking. In Top Gun: Maverick, he drove the airplane to 10 g, taking a huge risk towards his life to make sure that his movies are perfect. The New York Times reports that reports: “His powerful charisma and daredevil stunt work have combined, yet again, in his latest hit, “Top Gun: Maverick,” bringing it past the $1 billion mark.”

Offscreen, Cruise is elusive. He is intensely secretive about his private life, and when he tries to be an ordinary guy, he ends up sounding like an A.I. bot. When he was asked about the most memorable movie he produced, he couldn’t name one. He responded, “I like movies.” Last fall, when he was asked about which team he was rooting for in the Giants-Dodgers baseball game, he replied: “I’m a fan of baseball.”

Being elusive might be a good thing. Tom Cruise is different from other actors. Calum Marsh writes, “His inscrutability that has allowed him to achieve a sort of clarified, immaculate superstardom, one that exists almost entirely in the movies, uncontaminated by mundane concerns.”

