They abandoned me. They really did. Or did they not? Yes, they probably accidentally left me here, and they had planned to come get me later. And then something must have happened and they were forced to leave me and go back home.
I have to get back to them. They’re probably trying to find me now. I look outside the cave and cautiously, step by step, go outside.
The sun shone in the sky, reflecting on the river at the bottom of the cliff. The rocks around me were all different shades of red, sometimes brown. Everything here smelled so clean, and fresh. I could hear birds chirping, the river splashing around and an animal roaring. I looked up to see a steep cliff, full of jagged rocks, and bushes.
Carefully, I leaped onto a high ledge near the cave and hauled myself up. I looked down again, and saw the river roaring down below me.
Suddenly, I started to think “What if I fall? What will happen to me?” Shaking my head, I found another ledge jutting out of the side of the cliff and jumped on.
Breathing heavily, I looked up. Not much farther to go now. Just about ten more jumps and I’ll be out of this canyon. Crouching down, I jumped again, but stopped the moment I got onto the rock. Something was off. Something was watching me.
I had smelled an odd scent in the air. Like rotten meat. Then I heard growling and saw a pair of yellow eyes looking at me from one of the caves. The cave was dark, and it smelled like blood, and flesh.
I sprang away from the rock I was on, just as a huge cat came dashing out of the cave and leaped after me. I ran as fast as I could, jumping from rock to rock, dashing in caves, and squeezing through bushes. The cat chased after me, leaping and jumping, and as I looked behind me, I saw that it was right behind me.
Thoughts started tumbling into my head. “What if it catches me?! Will it eat me? No, I don’t want to be eaten! Why can’t I run faster? Come on Lavender! Think! There has to be a way to escape!”
I saw a rock ahead and jumped, the cat’s breath on my back legs. Bang! My head smashed against the stone, with a sickening crack and my paws hit the ledge I had been aiming for and slipped off. Then I was falling, falling, falling. My last thought before I hit the water was “Help…” and everything went black.
I have to get back to them. They’re probably trying to find me now. I look outside the cave and cautiously, step by step, go outside.
The sun shone in the sky, reflecting on the river at the bottom of the cliff. The rocks around me were all different shades of red, sometimes brown. Everything here smelled so clean, and fresh. I could hear birds chirping, the river splashing around and an animal roaring. I looked up to see a steep cliff, full of jagged rocks, and bushes.
Carefully, I leaped onto a high ledge near the cave and hauled myself up. I looked down again, and saw the river roaring down below me.
Suddenly, I started to think “What if I fall? What will happen to me?” Shaking my head, I found another ledge jutting out of the side of the cliff and jumped on.
Breathing heavily, I looked up. Not much farther to go now. Just about ten more jumps and I’ll be out of this canyon. Crouching down, I jumped again, but stopped the moment I got onto the rock. Something was off. Something was watching me.
I had smelled an odd scent in the air. Like rotten meat. Then I heard growling and saw a pair of yellow eyes looking at me from one of the caves. The cave was dark, and it smelled like blood, and flesh.
I sprang away from the rock I was on, just as a huge cat came dashing out of the cave and leaped after me. I ran as fast as I could, jumping from rock to rock, dashing in caves, and squeezing through bushes. The cat chased after me, leaping and jumping, and as I looked behind me, I saw that it was right behind me.
Thoughts started tumbling into my head. “What if it catches me?! Will it eat me? No, I don’t want to be eaten! Why can’t I run faster? Come on Lavender! Think! There has to be a way to escape!”
I saw a rock ahead and jumped, the cat’s breath on my back legs. Bang! My head smashed against the stone, with a sickening crack and my paws hit the ledge I had been aiming for and slipped off. Then I was falling, falling, falling. My last thought before I hit the water was “Help…” and everything went black.