Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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And then he was falling.

The world was blue. Just the sky and the ocean as Harry fell towards the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

“AHHHHHHHHH!” Harry screamed as he plummeted. “Get me home! Get me out of here!” Just as he hits the water he is teleported again, slamming into a windowsill.

“What the heck was that?” Harry said, or tried to say as his brain caught up with his body. After recovering from the shock, he slumped into a chair. He looked around, realizing he was back in his house.

“Must’ve been a dream I guess?” Harry thought but as he lay back in the chair, he felt his wet sweatshirt press against his back. Trying to push the experience away, Harry pulled off his sweatshirt and turned on the tv. The TV blared news detailing pandemonium. Heists happened all over the globe, priceless artifacts have been filched, and worst of all, no suspect to blame. Harry sat up in his seat. This could’ve be the thing he’d been waiting for. The thing that could snap him out of his boredom, and not have to babysit his annoying cousin.

“Meh,” Harry slouched back into his chair. He didn’t want to chase an international villain.

“That might just be out of my league,” Harry thought as he got the controller to switch to Tuesday Night Live. But as he was about to, the news channel, NWS, said how the highest-risk item right now, the hope diamond, had been put under lock and key by the world’s governments.

“Huh, wonder who is going to try to steal it now,” Harry thought as he switched the channels.

“Hope diamond,” a voice says. Harry sat up. “There’s that voice again!” He shouted. Harry spun around, trying to see who made that sound, but the world became blurry and–


And then, like before, he was falling.

“What the hell are you doing!” a voice yelled.

Harry stirred. Siren lights from a police car flashed in his face. Harry opened his eyes. He was lying on a diamond. Probably the biggest in the world. There would only be one diamond just like this one. The hope diamond. Cops were swarmed around him.

“Freeze with your hands high in the air!” A cop yelled. “Uhhhhhhh,” Harry managed to say. “Well guys, you don’t have to shoot,” Harry nervously said as he backed into the hope diamond.

“Don’t shoot?!” one of the cops laughed, “Oh we’re not gonna shoot you.” “Really? You won’t?” Harry’s face brightened.

“Oh yeah kid,” another cop said with a gruff voice. The gun in his hand didn’t move. “Only throw you in prison for the next 50 years,” His mouth formed a sadistic smile. “How did you even get here?”

Harry’s smile faded away and he backed up into the pedestal holding the diamond, already imagining his life in prison. Tears welled up in his eyes as he imagined the lifeless days and cold nights he’d have to spend alone, and soon the tears began falling down his face.

“No pillow, bad slop for food. My life, forever behind bars.” He thought sadly.

“Please, guys!” Harry begged. “I’m just a-” Harry never got to finish that plea, as suddenly he and the hope diamond were gone, seemingly vanishing into thin air.

“What the…,” one of the police officers gaped.

“It’s not over yet,” another one says. He pulled out his walkie-talkie.

“All units in sector 4-87 keep eyes out for a boy, guessing age 14, average height, brown hair.” He barked into the microphone.

“We have a suspect.”

