A mother lays eggs
Out pops a caterpillar
She’s ready for life
She chews on oak leaves
And yummy fruits and veggies
She soon becomes fat
She forms a cocoon
She works for ten days
She makes her body
Comprised of her abdomen,
thorax, and six legs
She shaped her new wings
They are large and colorful
At last, she comes out
She’s a butterfly!
Then she starts laying her eggs
She waits for four days
Soon, they wiggle out
They’ll face metamorphosis
Just like their mother
Out pops a caterpillar
She’s ready for life
She chews on oak leaves
And yummy fruits and veggies
She soon becomes fat
She forms a cocoon
She works for ten days
She makes her body
Comprised of her abdomen,
thorax, and six legs
She shaped her new wings
They are large and colorful
At last, she comes out
She’s a butterfly!
Then she starts laying her eggs
She waits for four days
Soon, they wiggle out
They’ll face metamorphosis
Just like their mother