Humans are counted as animals and I am one. Being a human has many [ advantages. You have control of your own life, unlike a dog or a cat, where your life depends on your owner. If your owner is cruel, then you won’t have a good life.

Humans have fought their way to superiority, and they are now in charge of the world. We are way more advanced than other animals. Nothing can stop us. People have all kinds of weapons and machinery like guns, chainsaws, and cars. If we have to cut trees, we can (not saying that we always should) but we can.

We also have more comfort and security. We have houses that protect us and provide shelter. On the other hand, a tiger or lion has to be extremely alert to its surroundings because it could be attacked at any time. Humans can get food at the grocery store rather than by hunting or munching on leaves.

We can have a lot of fun, old or young but animals would have to spend most of their time sleeping. The adults have to protect their young. Humans can have many hobbies including hunting, clamming, crabbing, and fishing. These sports can harm animals, but animals. Humans will have to step in and make sure they’re not endangered.

In conclusion, I would want to remain as a human.

