Police officers were sent to the outskirts of Berlin on Friday to search for a suspected loose lioness in Kleinmachnow. The hunt for the lioness prompted the sending of helicopters, drones, and night-vision-goggle-clad police officers. After experts analyzed blurry footage shot on a cellphone, they independently concluded that the footage shows a wild boar.
This hunt for the lioness in the outskirts of Berlin began when two men captured a blurry and short of what they thought was a lioness chasing a wild boar and reported it to the police on Thursday night. The hunt for the lioness began to spread quickly and escalated rapidly.
In an attempt to figure out where this animal had originated from, the police contacted the owners of a local circus at 2 a.m. Dinara Rogall, who helps run Circus Rogall in Teltow said, “They asked if we are missing a lion.”
Across many social platforms, alerts urged residents to stay inside and postpone outdoor events. Police officers searched through forested areas for any sign of a big cat while a team from a nearby zoo was prepared to shoot the lioness with a tranquilizer gun. A separate team of hunters was also assembled and put on standby.
In an interview, Uda Bastians, a resident of Kleinmachnow said, “The atmosphere was quite tense. There weren’t many people in the street, and the people you met, everyone was a bit afraid.”
The choice to stop the search was made after a resident called the police on Friday morning reporting that they had witnessed the lion that they were looking for. After the police flew a drone over the area and sent in 30 officers, they found nothing but a family of wild boars.
This announcement came to Ms. Bastians as a, “huge surprise.” This was because everyone knows and has seen wild boars and they all know the difference between a boar and a lion. She states, “A wild boar doesn’t really look like a lion, and we have a lot of wild boars. Everyone has seen wild boars, and we all know lions from boars.”
Dr. Hofer, an expert who has worked in the Serengeti since 1987 and lived there for over a decade, reported that a local official reached out to him on Friday morning and requested for him to analyze the video of the allegedly reported lioness. He said that some of the characteristics of the animal in the video were consistent with the features of a wildcat, such as the lioness that they thought they were dealing with.
Mr. Grubert, the Mayor of Kleinmachnow, spoke at the news conference on Friday, and asked the reporters to “consider the risks that could have arisen from not taking the reports from locals seriously.” “Imagine if it had been the other way around,” he said.
This hunt for the lioness in the outskirts of Berlin began when two men captured a blurry and short of what they thought was a lioness chasing a wild boar and reported it to the police on Thursday night. The hunt for the lioness began to spread quickly and escalated rapidly.
In an attempt to figure out where this animal had originated from, the police contacted the owners of a local circus at 2 a.m. Dinara Rogall, who helps run Circus Rogall in Teltow said, “They asked if we are missing a lion.”
Across many social platforms, alerts urged residents to stay inside and postpone outdoor events. Police officers searched through forested areas for any sign of a big cat while a team from a nearby zoo was prepared to shoot the lioness with a tranquilizer gun. A separate team of hunters was also assembled and put on standby.
In an interview, Uda Bastians, a resident of Kleinmachnow said, “The atmosphere was quite tense. There weren’t many people in the street, and the people you met, everyone was a bit afraid.”
The choice to stop the search was made after a resident called the police on Friday morning reporting that they had witnessed the lion that they were looking for. After the police flew a drone over the area and sent in 30 officers, they found nothing but a family of wild boars.
This announcement came to Ms. Bastians as a, “huge surprise.” This was because everyone knows and has seen wild boars and they all know the difference between a boar and a lion. She states, “A wild boar doesn’t really look like a lion, and we have a lot of wild boars. Everyone has seen wild boars, and we all know lions from boars.”
Dr. Hofer, an expert who has worked in the Serengeti since 1987 and lived there for over a decade, reported that a local official reached out to him on Friday morning and requested for him to analyze the video of the allegedly reported lioness. He said that some of the characteristics of the animal in the video were consistent with the features of a wildcat, such as the lioness that they thought they were dealing with.
Mr. Grubert, the Mayor of Kleinmachnow, spoke at the news conference on Friday, and asked the reporters to “consider the risks that could have arisen from not taking the reports from locals seriously.” “Imagine if it had been the other way around,” he said.