Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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Hello! My name is Mouse. I know what you’re thinking: Wow. Another mouse. How many mice do we have right now? Let’s see… Mickey Mouse, Remy from Ratatouille, Jerry Mouse, Pikachu… but I’m not like the others. I’m an inventor. And this is my story.

It all started when I was just three years old. We lived in an old inventor’s house, and most days, he sat on his old sofa and watched his old TV. Since we mice had nothing to do on Saturdays and Sundays, we watched TV with him. The TV was right next to the cupboard, and we lived there. He would sometimes see us hiding in there, but he wouldn’t care. He just continued to watch TV like nothing happened. The TV channel was always “An Inventor’s Dream,” and I was always there to watch it with the old man. That was what inspired me to become an inventor. By the time I was six, I had already made a small cart to help my dad carry food and a new cooking pan for my mom. Then, one tragic night, when I was nine, I was out on the hill looking through my telescope. The wind blew at me very hard, and I fell and rolled down the hill. It was a very big hill. On the left of the hill was the city, and on the right was the woods, where we all lived. So when I rolled down the hill, I was rolling toward the city. I tried to regain my balance, but before I could, I hit my head on a rock, and everything went black.

When I woke up, I was on the sidewalk of a city road. The sun was shining on me, and I felt groggy and tired, but that all changed when I realized what happened. I panicked and ran straight to the inside of a random abandoned building. This was the city, and everywhere I went, people would try to kill me. Unfortunately for me, this building was not an abandoned building. One person was sitting in the corner, reading a book. He didn’t seem to notice me, but I didn’t take any chances. I ran out of the building as quietly and fast as I could and then sprinted to a dark corner where I was sure nobody would find me. There was lots of trash around me. There were old plastic bags, a pair of dirty scissors, a ball of used yarn, and sticks that seemed to have fallen from the tree on the very top of the building next to me. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. I cut the plastic bag into a suitable size with the scissors (which was very hard to do since the scissors were bigger than me) and used my claws to slice some string. Then I gnawed holes in the bag. I tied the string into the holes and also tied it to the stick, and voíla! A recycled parachute! You might be thinking: Why couldn’t you just walk back up the hill? Well, there was an electric fence, so you can throw away that idea. Now, where was I? Oh yeah! All I had to do now was find a building for me to… to jump off… I finally found the flaw in my plan: my fear of heights.

After a few seconds, I decided to deal with it later. First, I had to climb up the stairs of a building that was closest to the forest. So, after a few moments of dodging flocks of humans and running so fast that I would’ve gotten a Guinness World Record for being the world’s fastest mouse, I finally made it. Now I had to climb up the stairs, because if I took the elevator, well, let’s just say that if I did, this story would end very quickly. After a few painful minutes (there were a lot of stairs), I finally made it to the roof. Then I prepared myself, which meant saying, “I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can…” Finally, I decided to just go for it. I jumped. And then I died. Just kidding! For the first few seconds, it did feel like I was plummeting to my death, but after the wind caught up, it was actually kind of enjoyable (not counting that if I let go, SPLAT). After a few more seconds, I finally made it to the hill. I totally landed on my feet (yeah, totally), and then ran into the old man’s house using a crack in the door. Afterwards, I climbed the rope hanging from the cupboard. Everybody was very excited to see me, and after a few minutes of hugging, they finally calmed down. For some reason, they were covered in twigs and leaves.

“What happened to you guys?” I said.

“Long story. What happened to you? You were gone for, like, 5 hours!”

I grinned and said, “Long story. Now, if you’ll excuse me, five hours of running makes me tired. After I wake up, I’ll tell you what happened.” Then, I walked (that’s the first time the word “walked” has been used) to my bed and fell on it. I think I’ve had enough adventures for one day.

